Friday, June 5, 2009

Rough Roads!

NEVER wrap elastikon tape over polo wraps. It seemed like such a good idea Wed, but it was definitely a very bad idea. When CMK tried to get the wraps & splints off, the elastikon wouldn't come loose. It just pulled the polo wraps apart. It took about 15 minutes of careful cutting to get the mess off poor Filly's leg. The polo wrap was sacrificed as a lost cause. Filly was such a good, patient girl. Of course she was having fun chewing on CMK's hair so she didn't care if she had to stand still.
Once again Filly's right leg is showing some improvement. She can use it completely normal as long as she isn't in racer mode. The left leg however, is the one giving the most problems. It has not come back around after Monday's setback. When the splints are reset tomorrow, the left leg is going back in a longer splint for less mobility. The fetlock has got to be held straight because it continues to knuckle forward. CMK has mini support boots on order in the hopes they can be modified as wrap around splints that one person can use. A cast/splint sheeting is on order through the vet's office to make custom fitted splints. There has got to be an easier way than cotton quilts, polo wraps, pvc splints & vetwrap (NO more elastikon!). The process now takes 2 people & that's stretching it. Grandpa is making pvc cuffs with toe extensions to be glued on Filly's hooves. These will help prevent the knuckling over because the toes won't be able to buckle. CMK has also been consulting with her wonderful trimmer who has some ideas on how to build toe extensions. Filly is sure lucky to have so many wonderful people working to help her. All their help is truly appreciated.
The concern over Mama's health continues. She's no longer gaining weight & appears to have all the symptoms of malabsorption. There is a test to confirm a diagnosis, but because she would have to fast for 12 hours for 2 different test runs, it's just not feasible with a nursing foal. Food cannot be withheld because she will eat the bedding that Filly needs. So at this time Mama will be treated as if she has malabsorption. She will be treated with vitamin B shots & fed as much high fiber hay as possible. Because Filly has contraction the best hay of choice, alfalfa, cannot be fed. Instead a good, high protein, low starch grass hay is the next best choice so a hay shopping spree will take place this weekend. The beet pulp that has helped put weight on Mama will be removed from her diet, along with the rice bran. Beet pulp is a fast digested feed & Mama needs feed that will remain & ferment in the gut longer. Filly will also receive vitamin B because her nutrition comes from Mama, who at this time has no nutrition to give. It sure is going to be hard to support Mama & get the necessary nutrients into Filly without overloading her with calcium, which could be devastating to her contraction. While the past month since Filly was born has been rough, the road is nowhere close to ending. We can only hope that it ends in success.

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