Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm a Big Girl!

When I went into the barn last night for my yummy beet pulp bucket, CMK was there with my blanket. She's decided that this winter I'm old enough for a blanket. I'm very careful with my blanket because I don't want to ruin it. It's black & warm &, if I say so myself, looks fabulous on me. I'm really quite stylish & feel so grown up.

Today CMK brought out this stick thing that has another stick poking out. She put it on my back in a couple of places, all the while adjusting & hmmmm-ing & oh no-ing. She was counting on her fingers & muttering "only 31 months" and HOW tall?! She seemed quite concerned when she decided that my rump had hit 15 hands high. That's 60" or 5' at the heightest point of my rump. Oh my! Poor CMK, that's all the taller she is at the top of her head. She figures I should grow to be at least another whole inch taller when I'm all grown up. That means my withers should catch up & pass my rump's current height by an inch. Hehehe Maybe I'll get even taller. Hehehe CMK doesn't even want to think about that, let alone admit I'm a big girl. A VERY BIG GIRL!