Friday, July 16, 2010

RIP Mama

I've been meaning to write for the last week but just haven't been up to it. Mama was such a sweet mare & she'll be dearly missed. She came to me in deplorable condition & against all odds, she not only survived but so did her soon-to-be-born filly. With the diagnosis of malabsorbtion & pancreatitis, I always knew Mama wouldn't see beyond her teens. But the reality of her death isn't any easier knowing her life was shortened by ignorance, & therefore neglect. If Filly's friends & the casual passersby learn only one thing from this blog, I hope it's that not worming horses regularly can cause death. Yes, worms kill! The damage from a heavy worm infestation is what caused Mama's ailments. The damage to her intestinal tract prevented her from absorbing the nutrients in her feed. This in turn caused pancreatitis & liver damage. PLEASE, please, please worm your horses on a regular schedule. Better yet, monitor fecal samples to insure your worming routine is taking care of any infestation. Treating & caring for a horse who's suffered worm damage is heartbreaking. You watch them gain their strength & blossom, only to have them waste away as their body eventually fails. YES, WORMS KILL! Run free Mama, free from pain & wasting, free from the ignorance & neglect of humans. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. Thank you for giving me your most precious gift, Filly. Run free...