Even the teeniest of improvements is cause to celebrate. When the splints came off Filly's left leg was just the tiniest bit better. She didn't have to adjust her stance to get the leg to stand correctly. She was also able to put 2-3 steps together, correctly using her leg. It was so wonderful to see a few steps without any knuckling. It wasn't many, but each of those steps was huge. The hoof cuff with toe extension prototype was tried on & only needs to be opened slightly for a perfect fit. Tomorrow a cuff will be made for the other hoof as well. While the right leg is close to normal, it needs the same support as the left leg so it doesn't get any excess strain.
It was such a relief by day's end to see that Filly did not have another bout of diarrhea from the worming. It was really feared that worming her would throw her into an intestinal tailspin. She's really becoming quite the little chow hound & it takes quick actions by CMK & DW to keep her from diving into Mama's beet pulp & oats. Mama is given her bucket while Filly is getting her splints redone. Sneaky filly tries to get to the bucket before CMK can get hold of her. She's getting to be a big girl & it won't be long before she's too big to hold. CMK & DW might need to start eating Wheaties!
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