We have progress today! Just a little but any progress is such a welcomed thing. When the wraps & splints came off today, Filly's left leg was better after wearing the long splint. While it still wanted to knuckle over, Filly was able to slowing use it correctly. If she tries to play she can't control it, but if she slows down & concentrates she can bear normal weight without the fetlock knuckling. What a great sight.
Mama & Filly spent 2 hours in the little outside area so they could enjoy the sunshine & fresh air. When it came time to go back in their stall, Filly was quite the brat. She did not want to go in & ran up & down the barn aisle. Then, much to CMK's frustration, Mama slipped out of the stall & ran into the yard. That was not good because Filly ran with her & she should not be running. Poor CMK brought up the rear, hobbling to catch them. That sneaking Mama ran past CMK & out into the area behind the barn. If CMK had had a gun....... Finally Mama & Filly were back where they belong. Filly had a nice fresh bed of shavings, Mama had a huge pile of hay, & CMK had an energy drink.
Oh that filly can be trying. Dancing Winds & CMK were getting ready to resplint her legs when they noticed she was chewing on a piece of leg tape. Next thing they knew, she was actually eating it. YIKES! DW grabbed Filly & CMK had to reach almost to her tonsils to get that piece of tape. Silly Filly is never boring. Tonight her right leg was put back in the 10" splint to give it a little more support since the left leg is immobilized in the 20" splint. The right leg needed a little more support so it won't have a setback. Today was a decent day with positive progress. Hopefully everyday from here on out will bring more improvements until Filly is the normal, frisky foal we know she'll be.
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