A whirlwind of email activity & CMK is now in a 3 month consultation with Dr Eleanor Kellon. It was heartening to hear that CMK has been on the right track in caring for Mama. Dr Kellon thinks that since Mama has actually managed to gain weight, there's a good chance her intestinal tract can heal. She might always be higher maintenance, but she can be supported & fed to live normally. What a wonderful & much needed uplifting opinion. Dr Kellon says that getting Mama well is essential to Filly's well being & that Filly will heal best if Mama can provide the best milk for her. Of course she had to temper this high by asking CMK if she knew anyone with dairy goats, just in case. So if anyone knows of someone with dairy goats, please have that information handy. If we have that information we're sure it won't be necessary.
Instead of electrolytes, Mama will be getting 2 tablespoons of salt twice a day. The amount will increase in a few days & then decrease to a maintenance level. This will help Mama with her water consumption & inability to tolerate heat. It will also help her kidneys. Good thing because hot weather is on the way once again. Starting today she will be getting 6oz aloe vera juice 3 times a day. This will be very good for her injured intestines. It's soothing & will aid in healing. She will also be getting probiotics 3 daily. Looks like CMK needs to invest in probiotic stock. Rationplus has been ordered. Once again Mama will go back on beet pulp, only now she'll be getting a 50/50 mix of beet pulp & oats. She's sure going to love that. Blood was drawn yesterday so tomorrow the results should let us know if there's anything else to be done. On the weight tape Mama is now at 794. A loss of a little weight, but that's to be expected since she's nursing & trying to heal at the same time.
Filly will also get Rationplus when it arrives. She will be on twice daily partial doses of probiotics. Looks like CMK will need to get up earlier in the morning. Since she isn't allowed to eat any of Mama's beet pulp/oat/salt/aloe vera mix, CMK will have to keep Filly entertained. Hopefully the changes to Mama's diet will help filly get the nutrition that she needs. Tomorrow she'll be wormed for the first time as we know she & Mama are wormy. The wait to worm has been because their conditions were not strong enough or healthy enough to worm. It's felt Filly can now be safely wormed. There sure will be a lot of changes in the next few days.
Filly was funny to watch last night. She was given an apple to play with & you should have seen her licking that apple with her eyes lit up. She was so excited she almost fell trying to chase & lick that apple. What a joy to watch her having fun.
A friend stopped by to check on Mama & Filly's progress. It was so nice to have someone who doesn't see them daily assess their condition. He thought both looked so much better than 2 wks ago. He not only saw Mama's coat as shinier, but the look in her eye is better. He was happily surprised to see that Filly is at last starting to act like a normal baby. While the splints restrict her movement some, they sure don't dampen her spirits & she's really starting to play. He said he thought she looked healthier with a sparkle in her eyes.
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