The high for Thursday was that Filly's manure had finally changed to a normal color. It was such a great way to start the morning. Stall cleaning had never been such a joyous occasion as when that little brown, no longer grey, manure landed in the manure fork. Oh happy day!
We thought we'd share a photo of the cuff that Filly will soon be wearing. It will glue to her hoof & the toe extension should help keep Filly's leg from knuckling over. It will block the toe from rolling under, & therefore stop the fetlock from falling forward. We're all excited to see her in her new cuffs.
A friend stopped by with family to visit Filly. Boy did Filly love having all those people scratching on her & telling her she's so pretty. She's become Miss Popular & would surely win Miss Congeniality if she were in a beauty pageant. She did show one of her visitors her teeth, but it was only a little nibble.
We haven't yet heard from the vet reading Mama's bloodwork results. There are a few areas that concern those of us who are laypersons, but hopefully the vet will tell us all is well & there's no need to worry. Surely Mama is on the mend & those worrisome areas are just the remnants of her hard times. Please send good thoughts to Mama & Filly for continued progress.
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