We thought we'd show you Grandpa's hands at work, as well as Filly's first trial of the cuff. You can see that the toe extension will prevent her fetlock from knuckling over by preventing the toe to roll under. While there are still some problems getting the glue to hold for more than 12 hours or so, the cuff with toe extension has made a definite improvement in Filly's left leg. Her right leg now also has a toe extensioned cuff because it's knuckling ever so slightly. In the picture Grandpa is working on the cuff with both toe extension and heel extension. This cuff is on Filly's left leg to help support the heel that is collapsing to the ground. Filly's problems seem to cascade as each troubled area responds to treatment. This is to be expected because her body is responding to new & different physical stresses with each gait/leg change. Even though it could be weeks, even months before Filly is healed, we are pleased with the little improvements. Every improvement moves her that much closer to being the dream filly she was meant to be.
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