What a busy day Sunday. Filly got to meet her little 1/2 sister's mom & a friend, who had come 1 1/2 hours to see Filly. Filly's future trimmer was also out, as well as another trimmer who works at CMK's. Everyone thought Filly was quite the little girl.
CMK went to Tractor Supply & bought 10 bags of shavings. Shavings are so much easier to clean than straw & they smell so nice, but they are harder to work on while resplinting Filly. Her tail kept tossing shavings all over CMK, DW, & the bag of wrapping supplies. Shavings were everywhere. Filly loves to paw & paw & paw the shavings. She loves to roll in them, but does not like them up her nose.
Filly's legs were doing better with the left leg finally stepping somewhat normally. The fetlock still knuckles forward but not completely over. It's so uplifting to see improvement, no matter how minor. When it was time for Mama & Filly to come in from the outside paddock, Filly did not want to go in her stall. She kept trotting (with a bit of a hobble) up & down the barn aisle. She had great fun ducking inside another stall & calling to Mama. Poor Mama would run looking for her baby. Then she'd go back to her stall to eat, only to have Filly once again hide & call. Mama sure has a bratty filly. It was finally time to feed the other horses so CMK had to catch filly & put her in her stall.
Today was the first day for Filly to wear a halter. She was such a good filly. She didn't care & stood perfectly while the halter was going on. She looked so cute in her little red halter. Her halter matched her Vetwrap. A filly must be color coordinated.
At the suggestion of Filly's future trimmer, CMK has contacted Dr Kellon for a nutrition consultation. We sure hope Dr Kellon doesn't delete the lengthy email as too confusing, but CMK wanted to give her as much information as possible. We're hoping Dr Kellon can tell us how to feed Filly so she gets the nutrition she needs without causing her contraction to relapse.
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