Filly is just the most loving little girl & she wants to be friends with everyone. She would really like to be friends with Grey Girl. As she approached, Grey Girl stretched to sniff noses. GG's ears were up & inviting, seemingly wanting to be friends also. Filly stepped closer & all of a sudden GG's ears pinned & CHOMP she bit Filly. Seems Mommy Dearest is raising Baby Dearest. Poor Filly was so dejected. She's so sensitive & her little feelings were so hurt. She sadly walked away looking a bit like a forlorn Eeyore.
A second day of the 12 on/12 off went really well. Filly's legs are getting stronger & her left pastern is finally showing signs of the tendons & ligaments strengthening. While still loose & wobbly, the pastern is beginning to stiffen. It's hard to explain but Filly's left pastern has been like a limp noodle when manually manipulated. It's slowly losing the excess flexibility & now offers slight resistance. Such an encouraging sign.
Today for the very first time Filly was observed trotting with no mechanical bobbles. It was such an awesome sight. She only trotted for a few strides, but what a gorgeous trot she's going to have one day soon. Those few normal trotting strides make all the daily struggles worth the effort. Someday Filly is going to be the trail horse extraordinaire she's meant to be.
The cuff was off once again & the decision was made not to bother resetting it. The daily preparation of the hoof to glue something that doesn't stay on can only weaken the hoof, & is a potential for more problems. When the Adhere gets here on Fri the cuff will go back on. Even with the failure of the glue to hold for any real length of time, the short time wearing the cuff has shown that the cuff is improving the heel stability. Filly's heels are severely under run & she had been walking on her heel bulb. While her heels haven't come back to where they belong, her heel bulbs are off the ground. Every other day or so Filly gets a little rasp work to encourage her heels to get back underneath her where they belong. Her toes also get a little work to keep them from getting to long & stretched forward. She's such a wonderful filly to work on & is already a little pro for her trims.
Wow, Horse.com has the fake vetwrap for only $16.99 for a case of 18. This might be better than buying stock in the real vetwrap. I'm sure CMK will be buying a few cases at this price. Way to go DW for finding this great deal.
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