5/16 Another roller coaster day. This morning things were looking up after last night's IV tetracycline & leg wraps. The right front was being used normally & the left looked a lot better. But when it came time to change the wraps tonight, the left front was actually worse than yesterday. It now knuckles so the fetlock is on the ground. Fortunately CMK knew to be prepared for the worse & had gone into town to get supplies. It's looking like 10 rolls of vet wrap aren't going to go very far. Good thing Tractor Supply has a huge supply. A section of 4" leach line makes a great foal splint. It's lighter weight than PVC so much easier for a little foal to maneuver. The filly's ever awesome grandpa cut & sanded the pipe so there's no rough edges to cut baby skin. Of course with a wonderful friend helping with the wrapping, there's probably no need to worry about rubs & sores. This little girl is going to be so athletic. She was bucking & dancing like a ballet dancer. You also can't believe how quick she can get up wearing the splint. Amazing to watch her pop up like nothing is out of norm. Another medical visit was in order for a second tetracycline treatment. It can only be hoped that the IVs will start to work so the tendons will relax in the left front. We can only wait to see what tomorrow night's rewrapping brings.

There are so many great people pulling for this filly. Her trimmer, who she has yet to meet, has done a lot of research on how to help treat contraction. Once the foal extension shoes (found by Trimmer) arrive, Filly will meet her trimmer who has offered to come help put on baby's first shoes. Dancing Winds has been there every day because more than 2 hands are needed to wrap squirrely filly legs. Dancing Winds can also be called at any time & never hesitates to rush over if there's a problem. So many people have offered emotional support & on CMK's behalf, thank you everyone for being there.
It's said that when God closes a door he opens a window it is my prayer that we find the window soon.
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