What an emotional roller coaster the last 7 weeks have been at CMK's. Last night the beautiful filly was worse in her front legs. Both knees are now swollen & both pasterns now knuckle over, causing the filly to grab her toes in the ground & fall. No wonder her poor little knees are swollen. She was given 1/2cc VE/Se in the hopes that the problem is a selenium deficiency. Please keep this miracle filly in all your good thoughts. If the VE/Se doesn't work, the only option is to take her to UCD for possibly contraction of the tendons. And this is really not an option because the expenses would be astronomical. So please keep sending prayers & well wishes.

Mama had no temperature as of last night so that's a VERY good indication all the antibiotics are doing their job. With just a little more luck & lots of TLC, Mama is getting closer to recovery. CMK will try to take pictures this weekend so watch for them next week. Thanks all & have a great weekend. Go hug your horses.
With this sad news I would like for those of you who would like to donate via Paypal to please use the email address wpejzcw@yahoo.com .
Which vet is she taking the horse to? Is it joint ill? I must have missed why the baby and mom are sick I only caught that the mom was thin.
ReplyDeleteHang in there baby, mama and everyone else!!
Shelter Slave, the mare came to me extremely thin & obviously malnurished with a severe skin fungus, as well as having placentitis. Unfortunately that meant her foal not only didn't get the in utero nutrition she needed, but was exposed to the placentitis. The mare retained her placenta for about 10 hrs & even then retained a piece, that's why this round of antibiotics. At first it was thought the stiffness in the filly's front legs was a VE/Se deficiency (I'm still hoping that's what it is), but last night thoughts turned to contracted tendons & treatment at UCD. It's not joint ill. Vetting is local but after this, will have to go to UCD.
ReplyDeleteThere is good leg and feet vet in Anderson. Crossroads Vet. I have a filly that had a contracted tendon and they saved her usable life. she had surgery as a yearling, she is now five and sound and healthy. They are expensive but not as much as Davis and they are good!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. Are they an actual hospital? It's nice to know there are options other than UCD.
ReplyDeleteyes they are ac actual hospital. They do surguries right there. The doc I used was Dr. Arnold.
ReplyDeleteRockin you have been so helpful I for one am very glad you have been commenting all of your advice is helpful and informative I'm even writing it down for future reference LOL.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clearing it up-
ReplyDeleteOHHH contracted tendons. Hopefully tetra c and splints will work but boy you sure have your work cut out for you and no easy decisions to make.
Whatever you decide kudos to you for helping them.
Oh I see the pic of her in ballet pose now. Poor lil dollbaby. Wonder why they didn't splint her or maybe they did and just not in the pictures.
ReplyDeleteWell anyway best wishes to her.
Thanks Shelter Slave. I have a call into the vet now about tet shots. In that picture she's a day old & the thought was that exercise would resolve the problem. It hasn't & she's gotten worse. Not only has my vet not had any luck with splinting foals, neither have I. A few years ago I tried the splinting route for an angular limb deformity (a colt born a month premmie & under formed cartiledge) & at 3 1/2 wks opted to have surgery at UCD. At the time UCD told me splinting wasn't very effective except in the mildest of cases of deformaties & not often in contractures. I had asked because they were IVing a QH colt while I was there.
ReplyDeleteI used to have a list of orgs that can help with medical needs I only remember one of the top of my head.
If you explain the situation maybe they can help financially or at least maybe point you to another source . I am sure they know of something. The American Humane has Emergency help but nothing that would fit this situation that I can tell.
ReplyDeleteAlso helps with medical costs for pets too.
I know there is a program specifically for horses but Ill be darned if I can remember or find it .
CMK actually the opposite is true if they have problems it is best to keep them locked up so they can't move too much and further stress the legs. I think you should at least give Dr. Arnold a call he is a very good vet. They have done some pretty amazing things. I have had to splint a foal many years ago. It was a lot of work and time consuing but in the end the foal turned out much improved. As a matter of fact was used as an Endurance horse. So it is worth a call.
ReplyDeleteThanks Shelter, I'm going to look into those links. Rockin thanks for the vet's name. If the treatments she's getting locally don't work, I'll give him a call. The filly was treated with tetracycline tonight & is now wrapped because she is actually worse today & needs the support to keep from falling. Her worse leg is also braced. Tomorrow she'll be rechecked & the other leg will be braced (only 1 available tonight). Work & time consuming is alright with me. I have all the time in the world if it'll make my little girl ok.
ReplyDeleteHi! Want to donate and can't get through. How do I do it through paypal. Ihave to use a credit card can I do that through the feed store. Or the vet you are using?
ReplyDeleteHi Rockin. Dark is my computer guru but if you have a paypal acct, you should be able to paypal to wpejzcw@yahoo.com for Mama & Filly. Dark finally managed to get me to figure out how to set up an acct. LOL The vet is paid to date & I'm hoping not to run up much more as I'm now doing the "barn care" with the help of friends. The feed store I use is BTB on Lone Tree in Oroville, 533-1440 & she has me listed as cmkdreams. Thanks so much. I can't tell you how much any help is appreciated.