5/15 Another tough day at CMK's. The filly is getting worse & now the right front leg is knuckling over. Another call to the vet, & the filly received a first (hopefully only one needed) IV tetracycline treatment. It was also determined that since she is now knuckling & tripping on both fronts, wrapping her legs becomes a necessity to keep her from hurting herself. Her poor little knees have already taken a few bumps & bruises. Her left front now sports a modified human leg brace & it seems to be giving her the support she needs. The right front will have a brace tomorrow. It was pretty scary having people doing all that, plus washing the scours away & getting swabbed in Desitin, but the sweet little girl sure acts a little happier with her new leg supports. It might be a little difficult to get up & down, but at least she isn't falling. There's still opposing opinions as to whether the filly should be turned out or confined. CMK has taken the decision in hand & has decided to confine Mama &
Filly. She's too worried the filly will get hurt trying to run in all her braces & wraps.

Silly Filly thought the shavings were great fun. She kept pawing them & finally decided to take a nice roll & nap. She really did seem a bit happier after everything was done & the humans left.

Mama mare is doing pretty good & seemed to know everyone was trying to help her baby. She was trying to eat but kept going over to check on her filly. She's such a gentle mare & even with strangers working on her baby she doesn't threaten or get frantic. She just kept an eye on everything, stayed just out of the way, & at one point seemed to tell her filly to be calm because everything would be alright. Her discharge is gone & she has never had a temperature (knock on wood). It looks like she's gained a few pounds but CMK will have to get out the tape this weekend to confirm it. All in all, today's prognosis for Mama is happily above guarded & she's on her way to recovery.
I apologize for not updating sooner but I have been away from my computer all weekend.
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