Memorial Day bought yet another little improvement for Filly. When the wraps & splints were removed, her tendons were stronger. She was able to stand up with straight pasterns & fetlocks not drooping. Her steps were firmer & more correct with only a few knuckling mishaps. Her time unsupported was 2 1/2 hours, which was just right. She wasn't tired & even tried to play a little. Well, really she was just trying to kick Mama to keep her from moving the milk bar.
For the last few days filly has been allowed sunshine time in a small outside paddock. Because it's important that she not get too tired, her time out is short. She really enjoys nibbling at a few blades of grass & sniffing noses with her horsey neighbors. Her appetite is bigger than she is & she loves to dive into her mother's bucket. Another favorite play time is dunking her nose in the water tubs. There's even speculation that when no one is looking, she's dunking her wraps in the water because they sure are wet a lot. Probably just sweating but it wouldn't surprise anyone if this feisty little darling really was splashing in the water. Tomorrow she'll be 3 wks old & what a long 3 wks it's been, but finally she seems to have made a positive turn around.
Memorial Day is to remember all those who have served this country & kept America free. Today it's also a day to remember as the day Filly played splint free, even if for only a short time.

Dancing Winds cannot be thanked enough for the daily help & support. CMK couldn't do it without you. The emotional support from friends has been awesome. R & B were so wonderful to offer their services, which don't appear will be needed, YAHOO! Thanks for being there everyone.
Thank you from CMK, Mamma, Filly, and Me.
The fear that Filly needs to go to Davis for surgery is now over and as we look towards her baby steps to recovery these items will help towards her recovery and are also very much appreciated.
vet wrap & more vet wrap (to the tune of about $7/day) & more vet wrap
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