Another low day with tears. A call was even placed to make arrangements if the sad decision should become necessary. It's a very somber evening at CMK's. Filly's legs are no better & maybe even a bit worse. She can only walk in a crouched, bent legged position on the fronts because her knees can't seem to support her. The poor little thing gets tired easily & spends a lot of time laying down. No more bucking & foal play. It's heartbreaking to watch her attempts at laying down because her legs just don't work right, making it so hard to fold easily to the ground. Getting up is easier & she has that procedure down pretty well. Her diarrhea isn't getting better & after 3 days her skin pinch shows slight dehydration. Hopefully the Bio-Sponge will begin to work. On the plus side her appetite is good & she's still running no fever. Only 2 weeks 2 days on earth & life has not shown much kindness. It just seems so unfair. Please keep this little darling & CMK in your thoughts

Again we would like to thank all the wonderful people who have opened their hearts to help. Without friends like these CMK wouldn't be able to give Filly the chance she deserves. Thank you!
:-( Poor baby. I hope she pulls through in good health!
ReplyDeleteI have set up a fund for anyone who wants to donate money for filly's vet care at UC Davis, any excess funds will be donated to Davis once Filly's treatment is completed. Anyone wishing to donate may call Sharon in the finance office at (530) 752-6166 and tell them you want to donate to Mama and Filly. All information is completely private. Neither donors or recipient will be identified.
ReplyDeleteI have contacted Dynasplint to see if I can get some help from them for the cost of the splints and I am waiting for a response.
Thanks again to everyone who has sent help or good wishes to CMK