I am amazed at CMK's ability to work miracles I am so glad for filly and for CMK's ability to stay strong even in the face of great hardship. CMK I applaud you on all counts you have done an AMAZING job and I hope others will join me in applauding all of your hard work. And another thanks to all of those who have supported CMK in one way or another without that support Filly and Mamma would not be where they are today. Keep up the good work.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Smiles and a Few Laughs
I am amazed at CMK's ability to work miracles I am so glad for filly and for CMK's ability to stay strong even in the face of great hardship. CMK I applaud you on all counts you have done an AMAZING job and I hope others will join me in applauding all of your hard work. And another thanks to all of those who have supported CMK in one way or another without that support Filly and Mamma would not be where they are today. Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Good Day With Some Road Blocks!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Day To Remember .....
Memorial Day is to remember all those who have served this country & kept America free. Today it's also a day to remember as the day Filly played splint free, even if for only a short time.

Dancing Winds cannot be thanked enough for the daily help & support. CMK couldn't do it without you. The emotional support from friends has been awesome. R & B were so wonderful to offer their services, which don't appear will be needed, YAHOO! Thanks for being there everyone.
Thank you from CMK, Mamma, Filly, and Me.
The fear that Filly needs to go to Davis for surgery is now over and as we look towards her baby steps to recovery these items will help towards her recovery and are also very much appreciated.
vet wrap & more vet wrap (to the tune of about $7/day) & more vet wrap
Baby Steps Towards Recovery

A Better Day
Friday, May 22, 2009
Donation Fund has been established for Filly
I would like to thank you everyone for trying to help CMK, Mama and Filly. Mothermare has posted that Davis estimates the filly's care will cost around $2,000 and that Filly would also benefit from the use of Dynasplints but the rental is $400 per month each. Also, Filly will need bandages, meds and other supplies once she returns home and the possibility of surgery still remains. Gasoline may also be an issue for CMK. I fear there will be many trips to Davis for Filly before this is over.
Mothermare has set up a fund for those who want to donate money for filly's vet care at UC Davis, any excess funds will be donated to Davis once Filly's treatment is completed. Anyone wishing to donate may call Sharon in the finance office at (530) 752-6166 and tell them you want to donate to Mama and Filly. All information is completely private. Neither donors or recipient will be identified.
Dynasplint has been contaced as well to see if they will offer some help for the cost of the splints.
Thanks again to everyone for their continued support of Mama, Filly and CMK
A Hard Day And Sad Thoughts

Another low day with tears. A call was even placed to make arrangements if the sad decision should become necessary. It's a very somber evening at CMK's. Filly's legs are no better & maybe even a bit worse. She can only walk in a crouched, bent legged position on the fronts because her knees can't seem to support her. The poor little thing gets tired easily & spends a lot of time laying down. No more bucking & foal play. It's heartbreaking to watch her attempts at laying down because her legs just don't work right, making it so hard to fold easily to the ground. Getting up is easier & she has that procedure down pretty well. Her diarrhea isn't getting better & after 3 days her skin pinch shows slight dehydration. Hopefully the Bio-Sponge will begin to work. On the plus side her appetite is good & she's still running no fever. Only 2 weeks 2 days on earth & life has not shown much kindness. It just seems so unfair. Please keep this little darling & CMK in your thoughts

Again we would like to thank all the wonderful people who have opened their hearts to help. Without friends like these CMK wouldn't be able to give Filly the chance she deserves. Thank you!
Thursday, May 21, 2009

For every day there's a step forward, it seems there are two days of stepping back. Filly's legs are worse today & now the right one appears weaker than the left (which has been the bad one). Poor little filly was walking hunched over with bent knees, much like a 90 yr old person. For a while she just stood on her knees like a kneeling camel. This with the short splints & light wraps. So sad & heartbreaking to see. There was no bucking, running & kicking at mama today. More time was spent laying down & resting. The diarrhea has not gotten better so her hinny was once again washed & swabbed with Desitin. Might be time to invest in Desitin stock, along with Vet-Wrap. Fortunately she isn't running a fever & will be started on Bio-Sponge. Luckily for CMK the filly's godmother came again today to help with the bandaging & clean up. Since there was no way CMK's knee would allow the movement necessary to hold an ever growing foal, other friends came over as well. Thank you all. This wonderful filly is such a sweet little girl & just lays quietly while all the doctoring goes on. Of course it helps to have her own personal fly swatter.

At least there was one good event today. While walking down the steps, CMK's knee gave a big POP! & almost toppled CMK to the ground. Seems CMK's knee must have been slightly dislocated & it's now back in place. While sore, it has a range of motion & no longer has the big, hard lump on the inside. Silly CMK, taking care of Filly's knees before her own. At least she has her priorities right.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bumps and Bruises
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A Little Ray of Sunshine
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tears For Baby

Mama never ceases to amaze with her gentle spirit. While her darling filly was laying down getting her legs her wrapped & splinted, Mama stood over & kept softly nickering. It's obvious she knows that humans are doing everything possible to save her baby. It's so sad to see a mama mare watch over her struggling foal. Sunday was the lowest of lows, the hardest day yet.
Our thoughts and prayers are with CMK since distance keeps us from being there.
Where is the Window?

5/16 Another roller coaster day. This morning things were looking up after last night's IV tetracycline & leg wraps. The right front was being used normally & the left looked a lot better. But when it came time to change the wraps tonight, the left front was actually worse than yesterday. It now knuckles so the fetlock is on the ground. Fortunately CMK knew to be prepared for the worse & had gone into town to get supplies. It's looking like 10 rolls of vet wrap aren't going to go very far. Good thing Tractor Supply has a huge supply. A section of 4" leach line makes a great foal splint. It's lighter weight than PVC so much easier for a little foal to maneuver. The filly's ever awesome grandpa cut & sanded the pipe so there's no rough edges to cut baby skin. Of course with a wonderful friend helping with the wrapping, there's probably no need to worry about rubs & sores. This little girl is going to be so athletic. She was bucking & dancing like a ballet dancer. You also can't believe how quick she can get up wearing the splint. Amazing to watch her pop up like nothing is out of norm. Another medical visit was in order for a second tetracycline treatment. It can only be hoped that the IVs will start to work so the tendons will relax in the left front. We can only wait to see what tomorrow night's rewrapping brings.

There are so many great people pulling for this filly. Her trimmer, who she has yet to meet, has done a lot of research on how to help treat contraction. Once the foal extension shoes (found by Trimmer) arrive, Filly will meet her trimmer who has offered to come help put on baby's first shoes. Dancing Winds has been there every day because more than 2 hands are needed to wrap squirrely filly legs. Dancing Winds can also be called at any time & never hesitates to rush over if there's a problem. So many people have offered emotional support & on CMK's behalf, thank you everyone for being there.
It's said that when God closes a door he opens a window it is my prayer that we find the window soon.
Stumbling Blocks and Mountains to Climb

Silly Filly thought the shavings were great fun. She kept pawing them & finally decided to take a nice roll & nap. She really did seem a bit happier after everything was done & the humans left.

Mama mare is doing pretty good & seemed to know everyone was trying to help her baby. She was trying to eat but kept going over to check on her filly. She's such a gentle mare & even with strangers working on her baby she doesn't threaten or get frantic. She just kept an eye on everything, stayed just out of the way, & at one point seemed to tell her filly to be calm because everything would be alright. Her discharge is gone & she has never had a temperature (knock on wood). It looks like she's gained a few pounds but CMK will have to get out the tape this weekend to confirm it. All in all, today's prognosis for Mama is happily above guarded & she's on her way to recovery.
I apologize for not updating sooner but I have been away from my computer all weekend.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Stumbling Blocks In Store!

Mama had no temperature as of last night so that's a VERY good indication all the antibiotics are doing their job. With just a little more luck & lots of TLC, Mama is getting closer to recovery. CMK will try to take pictures this weekend so watch for them next week. Thanks all & have a great weekend. Go hug your horses.
With this sad news I would like for those of you who would like to donate via Paypal to please use the email address wpejzcw@yahoo.com .
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A New Lease On Life

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Update From CMK

Just 7 days old & already this beautiful filly has captured my heart. Tonight she has a swollen knee & is lame. Poor baby. Just when she's getting friendly I have to betray her trust with thermometer & checking out that knee. The good thing is there's no heat in the knee & she doesn't have a temp. Hopefully she's just banged the knee hard & isn't going to start showing signs of a joint problem. Her vulva is almost normal with just a smidgen of swelling. She's such a darling. Mommy is holding with no temp. Yahoo! She still has a nasty discharge but there's no odor so I'm almost guardedly optimistic (knocking on wood). Her appetite is great & she's eating everything in front of her. Can't let nursing her filly cause her weight to lose ground. She's a wonderful mother & seems to know that her baby is a miracle.