Happy, happy, happy 3 month birthday Filly! You've come a long way & you're FABULOUS!!
Yes, Filly is 3 months old today. What a long, hard odessey she's endured in her short life. She's overcome some unsurmountable odds, even beginning before she was born. Being born to a severely ill Mama made her survival doubtfull at best. When the delivery became a distocia it was thought Filly wouldn't be born alive & Mama would be lost. Then came the severe contraction & the side effects of the treatment. Through it all Filly never gave up. There were days when she was so depressed it was thought she was done. She'd rebound & all would be well for a few days before she'd suffer yet another relapse. Then at last Filly took an upward turn & never looked back. Today, 3 months after her arrival, she's a healthy, happy, running & bucking foal who enjoys life. She's such a lovable, personable filly & makes sure all visitors give her a good scratch. She's the light of CMK's life. She's the miracle filly. She's the joy that makes all the tough times worth it.
Happy 3 Month Day Filly!
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