Today Filly & Grey Girl got to meet the other filly at CMK's. Blondi is 5 months old. The three mares & fillies were put out on a 7 acre pasture. Filly was so bold & curious. She marched right up to Blondi, causing Blondi to run. A little later Filly approached Blondi again & this time Blondi pinned her ears. Then both fillies were clacking their teeth at each other in submission. It was so cute. Filly wanted to be friends but Blondi wasn't so sure & stayed close to her mother. Grey Girl wanted nothing to do with the new horses. She kept hiding behind Mommy Dearest. MD was in fine form, pinning her ears & trying to bite Blondi. All three fillies had a good time running & playing, just not with each other. Because the mares all get along, it was decided to leave the mares & fillies on pasture together. It will be so good for Filly & Grey Girl to have more room to run & grow. It's also good for Blondi to finally have another foal to play with. The highlight of today was that the 7 acre pasture goes up onto Grandpa's property & he was all smiles when he saw he had fillies. He couldn't believe that Filly was really running around his house. He's been there for her since the beginning & he was just amazed to see her running & playing. I don't think he ever thought he'd see the day. I'm sure CMK never thought the day would come either. But the day is here & there are fillies everywhere.
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