Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Elusive Hay Wagon

Gosh, it's about time for an update. CMK was out of town for a few days, attending some meetings. C & C stepped in to help around the ranch, keeping the horses fed & watered. Thanks for your help C & C. Grandpa also did his part in keeping the ranch going. He went over the hill & made sure the garden was watered daily; he filled the old shepherd's mud holes to keep her cool; & he fed the little girls (the shepherd & her 2 GWP companions) their daily treat of biscuits. It seems Grandpa is always coming to the rescue.
CMK was so surprised to find that while gone, Grey Girl had almost completely shed her foal bay coat & is now GREY. She's going to be a Cinderella white horse before she's very old. It's amazing to see an almost 3 month old who's already white grey. GG is as cute as they come with her bright, wide eyes & inquisitive nature. The weather has been a somewhat cooler & she can be seen flying around the pasture with her tail curled over her back.
Filly has grown. She'll soon be 4 months old & is almost as tall as Mama. She's growing like the proverbial weed. She's such a little old soul & has that worldly look in her eyes. It's refreshing to see her run & play with GG & Blondi because at those times she's a baby. She & Blondi are so funny at feeding time because they chase the hay wagon & snatch bites of hay on the run. Filly pins her ears as she runs, mad that the wagon won't stop so she can eat. Sometimes CMK joins in the silly game & drives the hay wagon all over the pasture just so the fillies will chase the wagon. We're sure the neighbors wonder what's going on with all the laughter as they see horses flying in circles after the elusive hay wagon.
Blondi has now been weaned. It was a smooth weaning with her mother just across the fenceline. Neither seemed to mind & both settled into their separate lives. A very quite mare was put in with the mommies & fillies so that Blondi will have an adult of her own. Eventually this mare will become the nanny for all as they are weaned. This weekend will be a working weekend because a creep feeder needs to be made so the fillies can be fed without the mares gobbling all the feed. Weanlings need a lot more feed once they can no longer nurse.
A lot of time was spent scratching & playing with the fillies on Mon. They mauled CMK for attention. Being away from the ranch sure makes CMK appreciate being home.

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