This weekend was a working weekend at the ranch. We know it's still summer, but there are so many things to do to prepare for the winter rains. Grandpa came with his tractor to clean the mare's & filly's pasture. Grey Girl wanted nothing to do with the green monster that was making all the dust. She & Mommy Dearest fled to the bottom of the pasture & watched wide-eyed from a distance. Filly on the other hoof was quite fascinated & kept trying to get close to check the tractor out. When the bucket or scraper moved, Filly would dash off with her tail in the air. She even kicked up her heels at it a few times. It was so cute to watch. Her curiosity was getting the best of her & she seemed to be making a game out of running away. It's so good to see her have a little spunk because she's a rather sedate, old soul filly.
CMK planted a big garden this year, complete with carrots. There was also corn but it was planted too close to the pasture fence & Mommy Dearest ate most of it before CMK put up higher fencing. While Grandpa was running the tractor, CMK noticed there were cucumbers growing through the fence into the pasture. The shock was that the cucumbers all had the ends, those sticking through the fence, bitten off. It looked like foal size teeth had been nibbling on them. What those fillies won't eat! Or better said is, what Filly won't eat. She loves carrots, apples, watermelon, & has even eaten a peach. One day she even ate zucchini squash! What a silly filly!
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