Last night Filly not only didn't get her wraps back on, she spent the night on pasture instead of in the night paddock. This morning not only did her legs look good, her eye was NOT goopy. She did so well through her first 24 hours of freedom. CMK kept a close watch on her throughout the day in case her legs tired or weakened & she needed to be brought in for her wraps. Nope, didn't happen. She spent all day on pasture. A sprinkler was on & she even stood close enough to get misted. Filly sure knows how to stay cool in this 100* plus heat.
MJ visited today & was over heard telling Filly that she could come live with MJ. Those are pretty darned near to being fighting words! Filly isn't going anywhere! MJ also admired Grey Girl, who is just the prettiest filly with a lot of elegance & refinement. She has such big, bright eyes & cute ears. GG really is hard to resist. Another friend stopped by to visit. Jim has been keeping an eye on the mares & fillies since they arrived at CMK's. He's always amazed that there's so much improvement in Mama & Filly every time he sees them. He thinks Filly is just fantastic & he loves her size & substance. Like most other visitors he's fallen under the spell of Grey Girl's very typey head. He thinks GG could have a future in the show ring, & he should know since he used to show "big time". ES also came to visit. We think he'd steal Filly if he thought he'd get away with it. She really is an impressive filly with her wonderful size & plenty of bone. She's a big filly & it's sometimes hard to remember she's only 2 months old. And of course her loving, pocket pony disposition is appreciated by all. Maybe CMK should put a lock on the pasture gate so the fillies don't disappear.
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