Filly is such an AWESOME little girl. There was no one to help with the evening splinting so CMK had to manage alone. How was it going to be possible for CMK to lay Filly down & then get both legs wrapped & splinted? It seemed an impossible task considering the patient is a 2 month old foal. Foals are not the easiest to work on, always lively & evasive, struggling to get away from anything unpleasant. Knowing there was no way to lay Filly down, CMK could only hope to get some sort of wrap on the left leg, the leg with the problems. Armed with the bag of wraps, tape, ointment, scissors, fake vetwrap & splints, CMK entered the stall ready for battle. Filly stood with wide eyes, wondering why there was only one person coming for her. Did she know she had the total advantage? CMK went down on bended knees beside Filly & rubbed up & down the itchy little legs. Oh did Filly like that. Next a quilt went around the left leg. More rubbing & Filly never moved a muscle. The polo wrap went on & secured the quilt. It was quite amazing that Filly stood perfectly still, just rubbing her lips in CMK's hair. Then it was time for the hard part. How to get the pvc splint on & vetwrapped? Wonder of wonders, Filly continued to stand & scratch CMK's head & back. Occasionally Filly received scratching back to keep her happy. The right leg was actually the harder leg to splint & wrap, although it's the good leg. There are 4 pieces to the wrap, plus the vetwrap. It took some masterful hand coordination (well maybe that's an exaggeration) but at last both legs were wrapped for the night. Filly is truly an AWESOME foal. How many other 2 month old foals would have stood while both legs were wrapped & splint? I'd be willing to bet not many.
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