Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Grandpa did some tattling on the fillies. It seems the little darlings have been busy pulling at the protective cloths that plug the vents on his motorhome. It's too bad he didn't have the camera in hand because it had to be cute watching them get into mischief. When they do naughty things their eyes just sparkle mischeiviously. As Grandpa was leaving to go into town, the fillies approached his jeep to investigate. After he had talked to them he started to drive to the gate & noticed they were following him. He said they were cute following behind the jeep & he was even amused when he had to pop a plastic bag to chase them away from the gate. Those silly fillies would have followed him right out the gate if he'd let them. And of course Grandpa has a soft spot for Filly because he's done so much to help her get to where she is today. Without him Filly's leg wouldn't have healed so straight.
Just when CMK starts to think everything is going well, Blondi's momma decides to get into something that disturbs a hornest nest (maybe meat bees, yellow jackets or wasps). She has multiple sting spots & a lot of swelling from her ear down to her jawline, a couple on her chest & neck, & even one behind her withers. The one at the withers is seeping but the swelling has gone down. The multiple spots on her head are starting to abcsess so the poor mare is looking a bit pathetic. CMK is just destined to be a horse nurse.

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