On Friday, Filly got her feet trimmed. It had only been 5 weeks since her last trim but her hooves were definitely getting long & out of balance. Trimmer came out with a friend who had fun playing with Blondi while Filly got trimmer. Well actually, & more honestly, she spent the time keeping Blondi from pestering CMK & Trimmer. Unchecked Blondi would have chewed CMK's hair, not a good thing. Filly was so good. This was the first time she was trimmed in pasture instead of being taken into a stall. She stands for trimming better than many adult horses. She's doing so well & is developing into a really nice 5 month old. Her progress has been amazing.
Grey Girl is unbelievably grey for a 3 1/2 month old. Usually horses grey gradually over the years. Not GG, she's already GREY! GG is still a bit shy around strangers but did come up to be petted by Brother & SIL. She stayed hidden behind Mommy Dearest when Trimmer & friend were out on Friday.
The fillies are so personable & fun. One of the funnest playtimes is when they chase the hay wagon. As CMK drives around the pasture, the fillies will continue to chase. Even when the wagon is empty they love to chase. Usually Filly is in the lead. On Wednesday hay was delivered. The fillies were so excited to see hay piling into the barn. They were running through the barn, in everyones way. Filly even managed to get herself between the hay trailer & the hay stack. Fortunately she managed to slowly & carefully back out. It's a good thing she's a smart filly who doesn't panic. Finally a bale of hay was thrown outside to keep them all occupied. Poor CMK had to work on fencing once again. Filly has taught GG that it's easy to go between the hot tape & get into the next pasture over. Filly likes to visit with the other horses. One day soon non-climb will be put up to finish the cross-fencing (only 200' to go). In the meantime, Filly will continue pestering her neighbors. 

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