Mama is having a little trouble with the heat, but she's holding up well. She still gets a few oily, sweaty patches but she's better able to regulate her body temperature & not suffer heat exhaustion. Her coat is glossy & her eyes are bright. She's never gained all the weight she needed (she's about a 4 on the Henneke scale), but she's as healthy as is possible for a horse with her medical problems. Mommy Dearest is her dear sweet self, a little mellow now that her filly is older, but still a bit of a grump.

It's amazing how fast Grey Girl is turning grey. She's just 3 months old and already she's quite grey. She's a stunning mover with plenty of action & stretch. It's so much fun to see her bounce around the pasture with her tail over her back.
Filly is quite the character & continues to blossom. She & Blondi like to chase the hay wagon & the other day she almost ran right up into the back of the wagon. The silly filly was trotting behind, bumping the wagon with her chest. She would have been in for a big surprise if her front feet had gotten in the wagon while her hind feet were still running. Nothing is safe from Filly. She's always getting into things & today she was caught with a bundle of hot tape in her mouth. She'd pulled it off the fence where it was hanging, waiting to be strung. As we watched she put her head through the middle of the bundle & then shook, causing the tape to fall. Filly's very good at amusing herself but poor CMK can't stay ahead her. There just aren't enough hours in the day to keep Filly out of trouble.
Filly's legs are doing wonderful. They're amazingly straight & getting stronger by the day. The puffiness in her knees is almost gone. She has nice feet which is a testament to her trimmer. Even though Filly is at times an old soul, she's so much fun to be around. She's has a quietly big personality that just shines. She's bold & assertive, allowing nothing to scare her. She's such a lovely filly & we're so very lucky to have her. She's definitely worth every long night & heartache to get her where she is today.

Filly makes sure she never misses a meal, even if it means sneaking into the hay barn. Out, out, out BRAT!
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