Filly is my "old soul" & that's understandable with all she's been through. She's very calm & sedate with nothing much bothering her. But sometimes, when she thinks I'm not looking, she sprints across the pasture with her friends. Mane & tail flying, showing off for all she's worth. It's such a joy to see her enjoying life. I love to go to the fence & call for her because she'll raise her head acknowledging me, reach down for another bite, & then she'll break into the prettiest trot to come see me. She can be such a love, planting her head in my chest while I rub her double swirls. She also enjoys me scratching inside her ears. She's such a character in her own quiet way.
For her birthday she got lots of cookies & carrots. She can be such a little piggy but she did share with her friends. She also got lots of rubs & scritches as I hugged on her. There's no way to describe how Filly fills my heart with joy.
I love you Filly & cherish every moment with you. Happy birthday & here's to many, many more memories in the making.