It's been a while since my mom has written about me so I thought I'd say hi to everyone. I'm sure growing up & at 18 months I stand 14.1. I've been told that's pretty tall for an arab filly. For anyone who's wondering, my poor crooked legs are STRAIGHT! I'd like to say thank you to everyone who helped me. Mom, Auntie S, Auntie L, Uncle C, my followers, Grandpa & Trimmer. If I've forgotten anyone I thank you as well. Without everyone's help I would have been destined to be a cripple with an unpleasant fate. Now I can run & play in pasture with my friend. I'm the boss you know. I had a baby sister born this year & maybe one of these days I can get my mom to post her picture with me. Her name's Spring & it's so much fun showing her all the great things about life. I even share my feed bucket with her. Well, I better go. I just wanted to wave a hoof hi to all. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season & don't forget to hang stockings in the barn so Santa will visit all your horses. Merry Christmas everyone!
Oh, and aren't I gorgeous????